Some pictures from my career
There is no real order to these pictures, feel free to email me if you think that you've got a better caption for any of the pictures.
Curb Stomp....that makes me laugh
Who said I never win matches....oh wait.
You know, that looks like it really hurts.
Curb Stomp Version 1
Who knows what I'm doing up there
I just love that picture
You know.....that REALLY HURT!!!
Who's the champ baby
That is soooo not Kevin Nash
A look backstage....can we say HANG-OVER?
Can we say heavyweight champion? Very good class.
ACW Pose down
Damn.....that was a long time ago
Look at those two Straping Young Chaps
Big Daddy's got nothing on me.
I like beating the crap out of that guy...sorry Malice
I love action shots!!!
Classic Cartel
Rolling up the flag
Somebody got knocked the fuck out
He don't see me
Don't ask me what I'm doing....I have no clue.
Fraternity of Cool.....that's what I say!
Yeah...I'm looking at you
That just doesn't look natural
You crazy bastard!
What a on my back.
Why do I keep having to explain myself to these people?